Deanna’s Story- Back and Neck Pain Journey

Deanna next to a waterfall in Hawaii

Then my life changed in a split second. I was in a major car accident, rear ended by someone going 60 mph. It was a traumatic experience. I could barely move or walk. The entire right side of my body was tweaked. I had multiple fractures in my right hand from the airbags, along with whiplash and a concussion. This was devastating to me.

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Jason’s Story- Knee Pain Journey

Jason and his family on the coast

“I knew it was something special when I came in for my first session and Matthew had me on my back for most of the first class. I had been nervous that it would be too intense and I’d injure my knees again or something. Yet as I lay there, I was watching the other people in my group do all of these super interesting exercises.”

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Diane’s Story-Weight Loss Journey


I was 160 pounds overweight. Both of my knees were trashed. I could barely walk. Definitely couldn’t get on the floor and do anything. I couldn’t step down a curb. I couldn’t walk upstairs. I could barely walk more than 10 feet without holding onto something. A shopping cart was my best friend.

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Cindy’s Story-Weight Loss & Back Pain Journey


I had been a lifelong dieter, always up and down with my weight. I had done all the diets, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc. I was sick of it. The goal was always to lose weight. I wasn’t particularly healthy but then two life changing events happened in a matter of two weeks.

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Tina’s Story-Knee Pain & Weight Loss Journey


My knees hurt. I felt stiff. I was not as mobile as I wanted to be. I was carrying around an additional 60+ pounds that I could not lose. I had little motivation to become active again. Honestly, I was struggling to do it on my own. I knew I wanted to be active and fit again.

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